Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex

The Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex represents one of the most comprehensive Pokemon cataloging systems ever created, featuring 420 currently available Pokemon with an additional 60 upcoming additions. This guide provides a complete breakdown of every Pokemon, their locations, and essential information for trainers.


Understanding the Pokedex System

  • Expanded Database: Instead of just cataloging individual Pokemon, this Pokedex tracks combinations of different species.
  • Multiple Generations: Pokemon Infinite Fusion features Pokemon across multiple generations. It contains the complete set of Generation 1 (1-151) and Generation 2 (152-251) Pokemon, plus select favorites from Generations 3-7 like Blaziken, Lucario, and Mimikyu. The game continues to grow with planned additions of more Pokemon from various generations, expanding the possibilities for unique Pokemon fusions and team strategies.
  • Location Tracking: Provides detailed information about where to find each Pokemon in the game world

Starter Pokemon

Mt. Moon Complete Pokemon List

PokemonTypeFloorEncounter RateSpecial Notes
ZubatPoison/FlyingAll Floors45%More common at night
GeodudeRock/GroundAll Floors35%Also from Rock Smash
ParasBug/GrassB1F20%Near mushroom patches
ClefairyFairyB2F5%Rare, moon stone required
SandshrewGroundB1F15%In specific areas only

Starter Acquisition Methods

  • Fuchsia City
  • Viridian River (static encounters)
  • Goldenrod City
  • New Bark Town
PokemonType 1Primary LocationSecondary Locations
ChikoritaGrassFuchsia CityMultiple Cities
BayleefGrassEvolution OnlyN/A
MeganiumGrassEvolution OnlyN/A
CyndaquilFireFuchsia CityMultiple Cities
QuilavaFireEvolution OnlyN/A
TyphlosionFireEvolution OnlyN/A
TotodileWaterFuchsia CityMultiple Cities
CroconawWaterEvolution OnlyN/A
FeraligatrWaterEvolution OnlyN/A

Special Evolution Requirements

PokemonEvolution MethodRequired ItemTime of DayFriendship
GolbatHigh FriendshipNoneAnyYes
ChanseyLevel UpOval StoneAnyNo
EeveeStone EvolutionVarious StonesVariousNo
ScytherMetal CoatTrade/Level 40AnyNo
SeadraDragon ScaleTrade/Level 50AnyNo

Notable Pokemon by Generation

GenerationAvailable CountStartersLegendariesSpecial Forms
Gen 345 PokemonYesKyogre, Groudon, RayquazaNone
Gen 438 PokemonYesDialga, Palkia, GiratinaNone
Gen 527 PokemonNoReshiram, Zekrom, KyuremNone
Gen 615 PokemonNoNoneNone
Gen 78 PokemonNoNecrozmaUltra Form

Unique Location Encounters

LocationPokemon AvailableSpecial ConditionsTime Restrictions
Creepy HouseLitwick, Lampent, MimikyuNight OnlyMust have Flash
P2 LaboratoryGenesect, Pawniard, KlangPostgameNone
Sky PillarRayquaza, Metang, DusclopsPostgameClear Weather
Deep OceanKyogre, Wailord, KingdraNeed DiveNone

Upcoming Pokemon Database

PokemonType 1Type 2GenerationSpecial Notes
SableyeDarkGhost3Priority Addition
VenipedeBugPoison5Full Evolution Line
TyruntRockDragon6Fossil Pokemon
SnoruntIceNone3Multiple Evolutions
OricorioVariousFlying7All Forms Planned

Future Updates and Upcoming Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex

The game continues to evolve with planned additions including:

  • Sableye and its unique Dark/Ghost typing
  • The complete Venipede evolution line
  • Various legendary Pokemon including Regirock, Regice, and Registeel
  • New forms like Ultra Necrozma

Tips for Trainers

  • Location Hunting: Many Pokemon can be found in multiple locations. Check all possible spots to increase your chances.
  • Evolution Methods: Pay attention to special evolution requirements:
  • Level-based evolutions
  • Stone evolutions
  • Friendship evolutions
  • Special item requirements
  • Fusion Strategies: Consider type combinations when planning fusions to create powerful hybrid Pokemon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

The game currently features over 400 catchable Pokemon across various generations.

Yes, all available Pokemon in the game can be fused with each other, creating thousands of possible combinations.

Many legendary Pokemon require specific quests or conditions to be met. For example, Celebi requires completing the 30 hotel quests and obtaining the GS ball.

Unlike traditional Pokemon games, Infinite Fusion doesn’t have version exclusives. All Pokemon can be obtained in a single game.